## napi-build-utils A set of utilities to assist developers of tools that build [N-API](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html#n_api_n_api) native add-ons. The main repository can be found [here](https://github.com/inspiredware/napi-build-utils#napi-build-utils). * [napi-build-utils](#module_napi-build-utils) * [.isNapiRuntime(runtime)](#module_napi-build-utils.isNapiRuntime) ⇒ boolean * [.isSupportedVersion(napiVerison)](#module_napi-build-utils.isSupportedVersion) ⇒ boolean * [.logUnsupportedVersion(napiVerison, log)](#module_napi-build-utils.logUnsupportedVersion) * [.getBestNapiBuildVersion()](#module_napi-build-utils.getBestNapiBuildVersion) ⇒ number \| undefined * [.getNapiBuildVersions()](#module_napi-build-utils.getNapiBuildVersions) ⇒ Array.<string> * [.getNapiVersion()](#module_napi-build-utils.getNapiVersion) ⇒ string \| undefined ### napi-build-utils.isNapiRuntime(runtime) ⇒ boolean Implements a consistent name of `napi` for N-API runtimes. **Kind**: static method of [napi-build-utils](#module_napi-build-utils) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | runtime | string | The runtime string. | ### napi-build-utils.isSupportedVersion(napiVerison) ⇒ boolean Determines whether the specified N-API version is supported by both the currently running Node instance and the package. **Kind**: static method of [napi-build-utils](#module_napi-build-utils) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | napiVerison | string | The N-API version to check. | ### napi-build-utils.logUnsupportedVersion(napiVerison, log) Issues a warning to the supplied log if the N-API version is not supported by the current Node instance or if the N-API version is not supported by the package. **Kind**: static method of [napi-build-utils](#module_napi-build-utils) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | napiVerison | string | The N-API version to check. | | log | Object | The log object to which the warnings are to be issued. Must implement the `warn` method. | ### napi-build-utils.getBestNapiBuildVersion() ⇒ number \| undefined Returns the best N-API version to build given the highest N-API version supported by the current Node instance and the N-API versions supported by the package, or undefined if a suitable N-API version cannot be determined. The best build version is the greatest N-API version supported by the package that is less than or equal to the highest N-API version supported by the current Node instance. **Kind**: static method of [napi-build-utils](#module_napi-build-utils) ### napi-build-utils.getNapiBuildVersions() ⇒ Array.<string> Returns an array of N-APi versions supported by the package. **Kind**: static method of [napi-build-utils](#module_napi-build-utils) ### napi-build-utils.getNapiVersion() ⇒ string \| undefined Returns the highest N-API version supported by the current node instance or undefined if N-API is not supported. **Kind**: static method of [napi-build-utils](#module_napi-build-utils)